Writing & Research

Add credible evidence-based nutritional food science perspectives to your paper or publication

Dr Anneline is a nutritional food scientist with an extensive and diverse background working across all aspects of food production and nutrition. As a recipient of Australia’s #1 Science Communicator Award by Fresh Science and recognised as a thought leader in the sector, she’s uniquely qualified to contribute to publications, opinion pieces, whitepapers, and academic articles.

Academic Articles

Scientific-research-based insights from Dr Anneline to support your academic article.


Nutritional food science insights for your whitepaper.

For Other Publications

As a guest writer or to interview for your own piece.

Nutritional food science contributions specific to your area of interest

Dr Anneline’s expertise spans all aspects of food science, from the farm to… well, fart, and all the pieces in between. With a deep understanding of nutrition and food science, Dr Anneline offers research-based and highly insightful contributions to anything from a magazine to a peer-reviewed academic article.

Dr Anneline is a nutritional food scientist with an extensive and diverse background working across all aspects of food production and nutrition.

Understanding how niche research topics fit into a bigger picture in the food science industry

Dr Anneline brings big-picture thinking to writing and research projects. Food and nutrition are interlinked; the issue at hand is often about so much more than the actual food or diet. We eat food, not nutrients. But food is our primary source of nutrients. And it’s the nutrients that fuels our body’s cells for growth, health, well-being, and so much more. You cannot ignore that more often than not, humans eat food for joy, excitement, celebration, and cultural reasons as well.

Health doesn’t look the same for everyone. Allergies, family history, intolerances, and deficiencies throw another spanner into the works. Dr Anneline brings a unique understanding and a scientific approach to these complex topics and helps you break them down through writing and research.

Break down larger, more complex nutritional food science issues.

With excellent written communication skills, Dr Anneline creates pieces and contributions that break down big, complex topics in an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand way. Making this kind of education accessible for everyone.

Why work with Dr Anneline?

Dr Anneline Padayachee is an award-winning nutritional food scientist. Here’s what sets her apart.

An independent scientist.
Real-world experience from paddock to poop — agriculture and food production, food science, nutrition science, food industry, regulations, and digestion - to understand all the factors that impact our health.
In depth understanding of the digestive tract - and how this organ system affects nutrient absorption and use in the body.
Effective and influential communication that simplifies complex content.
A focus on the most important aspect of food, the humans consuming it.
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What clients say

"Anneline was fabulous to work with, from preparation to presentation, she will steal the show regardless of the audience… even capable of using an esky as her stage!"

Jacob Betros
Australian Beef Sustainability Framework ManagerMeat and Livestock Australia

“I wanted to thank you once again for being a part of our inaugural Gut Health Symposium.

You are an incredible speaker and we would love to have you present at another educational event in the near future.

Overall, the Symposium had really positive feedback and concluded with 750 registrations...Your presentation had multiple watches and by far our most viewed presentation so far in the series!

Once again, thank you very much for presenting for us, we also found your content incredibly useful and engaging.”

Anita Tait (APD)
Clinical Application Specialist, Microba Gut Microbiome Tests

“Thank you so much for your fabulous presentation at our conference yesterday. It was our pleasure to have you as part of our program! I was simply AMAZED at the seamless way your mixture ofanimations, diagrams and text creates an irresistible information flow.

Watching your presentation is like watching the best one-person documentary on Food Science and Nutrition I have ever seen!  TV or elsewhere!

Your gift as a communicator is truly beyond compare."

David Rigby
Food Industries Association of Queensland Inc.

"Anneline, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful job you did in hosting Boot Camp last week.

In my experience, seminars like this can go two ways, especially when you have a mix of large multinationals with passionate family producers, Govt and policy institutions sat alongside naked commercial interests.

The success in pulling these diverse interests together and creating an engaging and thought provoking day for such a mix was largely due to yourself.

You set exactly the right tone for the day with your mega trend presentation and then pulled out the right mix of stories, emotion and information from the panel sessions. Your pre work research and creative "on your feet" thinking made it feel relevant and fresh. “

Michael Hodgson
GM Tourism, Food Strategy and Partnerships, The Star Entertainment Group

"Peak bodies always hope for the purple unicorn speaker that will knock everyone’s socks off and have them all glued to their seats for the entire 45 minutes. In Anneline, we found one! Anneline delivers technical expertise with a real-world focus, presented with a style that has everyone engaged. Anneline won over the packed house from the moment she began speaking. By the end of her presentation they’d voted her #1 speaker of our industry conference."

Cathy Cook
Head of Corporate Affairs
Australian Beverages Council

"Working in the grains industry and looking for an expert that is across Food Systems and their complexity, Nutrition Science and how it will drive the future of our health, and the impact of the Environment on our future food supply is not an easy task as many have a passion for one specific area. Then I found Anneline. Anneline is firstly a Foodie, secondly a well renowned nutrition scientist, a little tech head, and shares a passion for caring for our land. I have now had the pleasure of hearing Anneline share her passion and visions of feeding the future addressing nutrition, health, the influence of technology and impacts on our land. I highly recommend Anneline to help you address these issues and bring to life the challenges and opportunities for your business."

Kathy La Macchia
General Manager
Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council

Where food science and nutrition meet. Work with Dr Anneline.

Get empowered with the nutritional food science you need to make strong, informed decisions.