Best foods to help with social anxiety

Best foods to help with social anxiety

Anxiety. It's on the increase.

Doesn't help that we as a collective human race are copping anxiety inducing hits on all sides: natural disasters (QLD/NSW/South Africa floods, Tonga's volcanos, apparently there have been 11 earthquakes ranging from 4.6-5.6 on the Richter scale across the planet in the last 5 days). We're still working out our new-COVID 19-norm (from health & life, to a global economic spin & lots of job losses (if you lost your job or were forced to take a different role just to keep your head above water, I hear you: being a COVID casualty affects more than just your breathing capacity: no job is beyond hard & downright confusing)). Now Japanese Encephalitis, too. And we could be on the brink of WW3 courtesy of Russia invading Ukraine. Not only are lives being lost, but conflict always stalls food supply. No farm land = less food being produce = strain on the food supply = hikes in food prices = less affordability = health implications. It's a terrible dominos game.

We as the global human citizens of the world need a break! But I fear that a global breather for our very tired emotions is not going to be coming soon.


According to the Australian Psychological Society (APS), anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations. It can even be beneficial in some situations as it alerts us to danger, increasing our attention to detail (e.g. we're more alert crossing the road at a major intersection than walking across our own driveway, for example). However excess fear about the future (aka anxiety) can lead to mental health disorders including clinically diagnosed anxiety & panic attacks. The American Psychiatric Association estimates ~30% of adults will at some point in their life be affected by chronic anxiety. Not great, but very common & an integral part of the human experience. It's not a good existence to live in a state of heightened anxiety, I know from personal experience. Anxiety disorders are treatable and a number of effective treatments are available. Treatment helps most people lead enjoyable productive lives. Part of the treatment is psychological, part medication (if needed), part physical activity, part sleep. And part diet. Actually a lot diet.

Nutritional psychiatry is becoming a growing research area, with fermented foods coming up time and time again as an important dietary component to help deal with anxiety and other mental health conditions. Why? The 2nd brain, it's truly amazing.

Here's a recent simple article explaining the role fermented foods has in helping with social anxiety.

Those involved in NPD: something to think about.

Those involved in dietetic and nutritional advice: something to think.

Those who are alive, breathing and eating on this majorly heaving planet: something to think about.

And until next time, enjoy a walk, have a nap, & sip on a large kefir while watching Simon Baker & the Mentalist: food for the soul.

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